Seriously, aren't we disgusting?
No kidding, I'm still not a misanthrope, I have empathy for our human species and often try to cut us some slack for the brutal environment we're born into etc but it's increasingly harder to be understandable and forgiving of our mistakes.
Sure, we're just another beast on this planet, but - damn it - why do we have intelligence if we're just going to use it to increase our comfort and convenience at the expense of making other species suffer.
In particular, what good is the intelligence that says 'my scratch-free hand is worth pulling cat's claws out'?
How much of a self-centered monsterous dumb f**ing c**t should one be to even come up with that idea?
The amount of animals being used to create some goods for human consumption is staggering already. What we wouldn't do to make a buck? As revolting as that already is, some humans have to torture their own pets for the purpose of convenience - and not feel like a piece of shit they are afterwards!
I didn't get what the word 'declawed' meant at first, had to look it up.
"Unlike routine recoveries, including recovery from neutering surgeries, which are fairly peaceful, declawing surgery results in cats bouncing off the walls of the recovery cage because of excruciating pain."
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Are there in fact 2 sub-species within homo sapiens? Those who have a heart that can appreciate somebody else's pain and those who only have a stomach for consuming and taking stuff from this world with no regard for anything but themselves?
I had a cat, at some point - many cats at once - and we never even had to trim their claws, they'd do it themsleves. And if some wallpapers got scratched - so what? It's the cost of having cats. If you dont agree - don't have them. Have indoor plants!
This entry was prompted by the post on FB which informed that a cat has been put down because nobody volunteered to adopt him. Which in itself is a fairly routine event. It's sad, it is tragic, but comparatively, a fast death isn't the worst that can happen to living beings here, actually, to have it fast and almost painless is rather a luxury. What I cried about though was the ordeal this cat and others like him have gone through. Declawed, old, sick and thrown away like garbage. This is what this sick world is filled with. And I'm here watching it for no good reason. Sometimes I wish hell really existed...
And then there are comments like "rest in peace, sweet cat, you're in a better world now". Seriously? He's in a cats' heaven? Getting compensation for all the senseless suffering and abuse? I don't think so. He just isn't in pain any more. But others are.
Peta link http://www.peta.org/living/companion-animals/8-reasons-why-you-should-never-declaw-your-cats.aspx
More posts from this category: Quite a few quotes from 'The Slave Soul of Russia'Childhood sucks and Confessions of an Antinatalist
Well, I actually am a misanthrope (I'm a few years older than you - you'll get there in time ) and I often think that a nuclear war would be too good for us...
Irina |
You might be right... Here's a quote somebody mentioned yesterday that suits the mood of this blog post: "Once we settle ourselves off-world, we can blow up this planet from outer space. It’s the only way to be sure its stench will not follow us."
There's a book by a german philosopher/writer (Ulrich Horstman) in which he states that humans are actually the tool life uses to kill itself.
According to him, there's a Will to Live a la Schopenhauer which drags life into existence against its will - and humans and their technology have evolved so life on Earth can finally end itself. Things like ABC-weapons and environmental destruction are not ethical "bads",they are the means by which humanity will accomplish its ultimate purpose. As I'm a materialist, I don't believe in this literally, but it sounds right on an emotional level... |
Irina |
Evolution is suicide? :) |
Nothing saddens me and revolts me more than animal suffering. I try as hard as I can not to think of it but it is all around me...cats living in the street, dogs being abandoned, dogs who have owners but are treated very poorly...and then you think of all the animals in the world that live on the street or live in pounds...just the thought alone is almost unbearable.
Animal suffering really is my weak spot. |
Actually, it's not my weak spot. It's just that I care deeply about animals and most people don't. To say that it's my weak spot seems to imply that it is a fault but I think the fault is not to care. Although speaking of faults strikes me as a bit odd given that I don't believe in free will.
Irina |
Yeah, this is just something that makes our living on this planet tougher. I donate to animal shelters from time to time but that doesn't make me feel better because I know I can never make all of them comfortable and as long as some are left out - it's not good enough. I saw the pics of books on your blog, found this one on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Nonsense-Free-Will-Facing-ebook/dp/B009L9045W/ref=sr_1_1_title_1_kin?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1368920766&sr=1-1&keywords=Richard+Oerton%2C+The+Nonsense+of+Free+Will - would you recommend it? |
I would, yes. That book's writing style is extremely simple and clear.
I also recommend "Free Will" by Sam Harris. And the several blog posts he did about that topic. I actually have two copies of Richard Oerton's book due to a mistake while I was ordering it online. I would gladly send you one for free but I'm guessing the cost to send it to Ukraine is probably insane. |
Irina |
Thanks! But I prefer reading from my ebook. That's why I search on amazon and the delivery over Wi-Fi is free. Otherwise it can cost 2ce as much as the book itself)) |
I think donating money is great but at the same time not so much.
I mean, clearly it's better than doing nothing but at the same time I feel like giving money is the kind of thing we do in order to have a "clear consciousness" and not have to think about it anymore. Sometimes we see beggars and bums on the street and yes, we care about them to some extent so we give them money but we know perfectly well that the money we just gave isn't gonna change anything. In a way it's like an insurance policy. It's something we do to insure that we don't go home agonizing over that person's situation or about not having done something. It's like: "Here's a little bit of money. Good! Now that I've done something, I don't need to think about the horrible life conditions that person lives in anymore or actually help that person in some substantial way:" I don't know... |
Irina |
I mean, clearly it's better than doing nothing but at the same time I feel like giving money is the kind of thing we do in order to have a "clear consciousness" and not have to think about it anymore. I don't have that, as I wrote, it doesn't make me feel better. I just know they need to buy meds, building materials, food. They also accept donations in food and materials. Not like these needs are not real, even if I volunteered instead of donating - these things would still be of essense. So I can't find a reason not to donate. They sterelize stray animals, cure them, try to find homes for them and since I'm not donating my time I can at least donate some money. It's like: "Here's a little bit of money. Good! Now that I've done something, I don't need to think about the horrible life conditions that person lives in anymore or actually help that person in some substantial way:" Maybe somebody does feel like that, (some don't think about it at all because 'this is their own fault and they'll just spend monet on booze!') I feel even worse because this doesn't solve a problem, and this help is nothing, even if I bought them a dinner and shelter for a whole day it'd still be nothing much compared to life. But at the same time, that's not a valid reason not to give. Clearly, they're asking, that's what they want. |
Don't blame this poor planet Earth for the stench. That's all our doing. It's us, the overgrown primates with a brain too big for their britches, that stink...
Not to be misunderstood, I hate the predatory natural order as much as the next antinatalist... But blame should be put where blame is due.
Irina |
Sure, the more intelligent somebody is the more responsibility/blame is due. Although it's a bit hard to combine with the deterministic outlook on life (( |
Hello, Irina.
I remember being a little kid watching TV, and every now and then an animal abuse awareness commercial would come on and shatter the illusion of how fair the world was. Animal abuse hits us a very specific way that infuriates us and makes us loathe the offender. I found that the best way out of feeling bad was to accept that it was inevitable and impossible to fix. The sad thing is that people are not different from animals. We, like animals, are entirely lacking in free will and self determination. Like animals, we can be trained (but also train ourselves, luckily) to behave in certain ways, but that is all. I encourage you to accept the human race as being a bunch of stupid animals, and then you can forgive it for its unutterable cruelty. Kudos for not being a misanthropist, that is a miserable existence. |
Irina |
Hi Adam 'animal abuse awareness commercial'? We didn't have that. I was only bothered by real cats and dogs outside my window. Fighting cats, whining puppies. I found that the best way out of feeling bad was to accept that it was inevitable and impossible to fix. Sure, me too, but it still gets me. Right now there's a new wave of 'dog-hunting' in some cities of Ukraine. We don't have an effective animal control so some screwed-up people make it their mission to get rid of stray dogs. By feeding them some tuberculosis drug that causes about 3-hour agony before finally killing the dog. Somebody just throws the poisoned food on the ground. I encourage you to accept the human race as being a bunch of stupid animals, and then you can forgive it for its unutterable cruelty Yeah, but if I accept that torturers torture because of the lack of free will - my reactions of outrage and wishing them harm is just as well an inevitable outcome... |