This common inconsistency (praying to god for something but still asking people to help) once again shows believers do not really trust in god. In fact, deep in their heart they know they are living in a wilful collective self-hypnosis.
They know if they are really in trouble, they should turn to other people for help, not stand on their knees praying for miracles.
They know if they'll just stay in their houses and spend hours and days praying, the problem will not disappear. They know if a criminal is breaking into their house, they should reach for the phone and dial police, not say a prayer to the 'loving and caring' god.
So what they do to trick themseves and not to loose their favorite illusion of god's involvement in their lives is they are actually turning for help to people, but say a prayer or two and then thank god for solving their problem. Although had they never involved other people, god would not have 'helped', and deep inside they know it too.
Involving real people is a necessary condition for getting god's help. He is allpowerful, but he prefers to always work through people, never directly. He sort of likes it that way. Noone knows why. Perhaps one of those 'mysterious ways' he works in.
Just like Santa - he always has to leave presents and disappear. Only Santa is a fairy tale for very little children, and God - for older ones, who are simply afraid to ever grow up.
Today I clicked on an ad that was asking to help a little kid. This is quite a common type of banner you can find nowadays on Ukrainian or Russian websites. People often have to ask for donations from strangers because hardly anyone has the means to pay for cancer treatment or an expensive surgery.
The website turned out to be a charitable foundation. Which is great.
But what makes you think is this. Some of the foundation measures were coordinated or lead by church members, our orthodox christian popes. Of course, they had to throw in one of their 'protect the undorn children' parties ;) A couple of website pages were dedicated to anti-abortion calls from church and its followers.
Then there are stories like these: church members visiting sick children in the hospital. Just look at this horrible picture. What do you see there?
Those are children with cancer, some after chemo, so they have to wear face masks to protect their exhausted bodies even from the weakers bacteria.
And then there is the pope and his icons in the background.
You see nothing wrong with that?
I see one thing: here are seriously ill children and a guy whose religion says everything happens according to god's will. God sent these little guys cancer, according to the bible, according to what the pope is suppose to believe. And yet, he will have no problem returning to his church and thanking that same god for his 'miraces' and praising him after the visit is over.
This is one inconvinient logical conclusion christians like to sweep under the rug of their consciousness. They know god is 'allknowing' and 'allpowerful', so logically he knows of all the suferrings of every single person and every little kid in this world. Bible says he even knows how many hairs each person has on his head!
Moreover, they know he is 'allpowerful', so he can stop the pain any time he chooses to.
And then they witness, that he chooses not to. He chooses to let the pain continue and the tears flow.
Nothing happens contrary to god's will in this world. Because that would refute the idea of his 'allpowerfulness'. So those particular children that particulr pope is standing next to are sick and dying precisely by the will of the god he is praising day by day. I guess he could have said to them "hang in there kids, it is the creator's will that you suffer. Maybe you will die, maybe not - I will still praise my lord for his love and compassion and his devine plan that has to involve sick and crippled kids!"
Cripples like these poor guys:
What was their crime, or their 'sin'? Or are they a lesson to their parents? Like a necessary sacrifice for some 'greater good'?
Such pictures should be on the walls of the churches where people pray to their gods. Maybe then their 'hallelujahs' will become less loud and mindless.
Now, when believers need to get someone cured, where do they go? To churches? Hell no, to medical hospitals! Well, not all of them, some particularly devoted 'people of faith' let their children die instead. But thank Santa Claus most of religious parents today cheat their allpowerful god and bring their sick kids to doctors.
Funny how if doctors screw up and something goes wrong, parents are furious at them, but when professionals perform a difficult surgery and rescue their offspring, they say 'god saved my baby'.
If you believe that god saved your child, you have got to believe he was the one who let your child get sick in the first place. Given his omniscience and omnipotence again.
As they say, aspirin and prayer help relieve headache. But the same works minus the prayer.
Does it work without an aspirin?..
If prayers could heal we'd already had at least one 'Prayer Healing Hospital', where popes and pastors and evangelical choruses would be curing people 24/7 every day (perhaps even raising the dead, like Jesus did!). Even if they'd be successful in 1 of every 10 cases of ...say... cardiovascular deseases treatment, lots of us would have turned into believers. But all they can deliver is a 1 in a million case which is a sheer coincidence that happens on its own every now and then. Noone can open such a hospital and deliver results on a constant basis because prayers are not anwered. All you can do as a believer is keep making excuses for the nonexistent god on why he does not answer your prayer yet again: maybe you wasn't sencere enough, maybe you were asking too much, maybe you have to learn a lesson, maybe god has other plans for you...
What's bad about the prayer anyway?
Only that it is a blissful inaction. Inaction that is justified and is even supposed to be praised.
- Sorry to hear you're so sick. I'll pray for you!
- Oh thanks, but why don't you lend me some money instead if you care so much about my health?)) You can use the time for praying for yourself. I'd hate to take up your precious prayer time. So I'll just take cash instead!
Praying people feel they've already made their input into changing something for the better. Why making a donation, or going on a protest when you can simply pray to god and feel good about yourself? Again, most of believers don't just pray when they need a kidney transplant or smth. They turn for medical attention AND pray. But when it concerns other people, or some common good - prayer alone is enough. Pray for something and forget about it. Get on with your life. Save your money also. Easy as can be. Also, you get to be this moral person with 'christian virtues'.
The reason we still can not take responsibility for what is happening in our global human society are all those imaginary invisible gods that are supposedly involved in our chaotic lives. And those futile mutterrings called 'prayers' that are still deemed valuable. The undeserved respect those popes, pastors and preachers get for talking nonsense and doing nothing useful.
Well, I guess this post came out rather poorly structured, but I'm tired and I don't care today, so ... the end!
More posts from this category: Nine nations abolishing religion?Local Jesus Christ and his crazy parents
![]() Irina |
There are many things that make me angry. I guess when bad things are happening I just get sad and thats it. But when they start calling bad things good, that'd when I get angry. And I see nothing wrong with that. Prayer is only useful for the one that is praying. But they want to portray it as if it had any positive effect on outer world and it doesn't. If it is useful for you - pray, fine. But it is you taking care about you, nothing more. Sort of like applying cream on your hands - good for you, but no use to others. If we start viewing prayers like that - great. No objections. De fact we already agreed to disagree, Im just explaining here why I disagree and the other party can explain their position. |
I have so hard time not losing my temper when believers simply refuse to give some analisys on the flaws and nonsenses of their belief. I think they are so afraid of being and of taking care of their own life wrong that they prefer to close their eyes.
![]() Irina |
Thanks for commenting. Speaking of the the flaws and nonsenses, I've touched upon that in my Are religious people stupid video. |
I have never understood that prayer thing.
If the Higher Powers already know what my problems are, why make the effort of telling Them? If They can provide any help, why wait until I ask for it? (What if I am raised by non-believers and don't know I'm supposed to ask?) It must be bothersome for Them too... to be continuously told things they already Know... and to have to remain idle and on standby until we transmit our SOS. Besides, If I had to ask anybody on the other side a favour, it wouldn't be Them. I don't trust Them. I'd rather ask some demised close relative or friend... someone who DID prove they loved me and cared for me. All this, assuming the other side exists... |
![]() Irina |
I never understood either, but I wanted to believe that what I couldn't understand still somehow made sense for God. Incidently, just found this dark humour pic: |
hi, i was once in a very bad place. No amount of medical care or money was helping, i found healing in JC. Why did i suffer so much, i don't know. There isn't a 1:1 ratio between sin and sickness.
my opinion on that uhmm...i dont have problem on that. it's their own beliefs they're comfortable about it..i can only give respect ,and advice if they ask or if i feel there wont be some violent reactions then I'll just butt-in and give advice lol
actions do have some consequences
man will learn on it in time.
for some prayers are useless
others its useful
maybe both can agree to disagree hehehhe
i don't have enough cash so i think i'll be giving some free PRAYERS:0