Reading "More Than 300 Churches Discuss Pornography on Super Bowl Sunday"
And yet...where is the pastor that fights cooking shows? I mean, gluttony is on the same list of seven deadly sins as lust, last time i checked... )))
Yet somehow they always like to pick the sex-related sins to passionately fight against. Being gay, watching porn - stuff like that.
Greed. Same list. Anyone concerned about today's consumerism?
Ok, and I've long abandoned the hope of American Christians complying with 'thou shalt not kill'. It's always 'thou shall not kill, except when I can think of a perfectly reasonable excuse'.
Think of how much money they could have raised if they decided to fight poverty with similar passion. 300 churches, each having XX-XXX members... But I guess, it's not that interesting trying to feed a hungry as it is sticking one's nose into peoples sexual lives.
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Irina |
FLeghorn, you have your vision of what sex should be, of how men and women must behave. You're free to voice your opinions and try to convince other people to adopt them. But not impose limitations on other adult people. They have their own opinions about their own sexual choices. One is only justified in imposing limitations when one can demonstrate that unless those are in implemented harm will be caused to innocent people, and also, that the imposition of those restrictions will result in the prevention of that harm (that its a right remedy for the illness). I am not so sure the prohibition of pornography will automatically result in people switching to that 'full of respect' transcendent loving of one another. Greed, gluttony, etc, these things are harder to expose Churches can't expose the obsession with material goods, the time people waste discussing celebrity's new dress? How's that not gluttony and pride? Cooking shows, recipe books - all about how to cook smth in a way that it pleases the tongue. But religious people are very selective, they want to pick and choose which 'sins' they want to notice and which - not. That was one point. Another point is the question of liberties. This post was not about what role sex should play in peoples lives, its about what right does a religious institution have to dictate what it should and shouldn't be. I'd grant religious organization the same right I grant to people: to express their views, but not to try and limit peoples liberties based on their understanding of right and wrong, desirable and undesirable. |
Ok, your point is taken, the RIGHT to have to ability to see pornography is not something I would oppose, in fact the opposite, but I do think it's a good thing that people discuss it. The church is right for saying something, because in polite company we don't talk about it. On the contrary, excess eating is a topic at many parties, be it the ridicule of others or the deprecation of one's self about ones own eating habits.
Go to a cocktail party, or any party, and eventually the economy will be brought up and impassioned debates about greed of companies, wealthy people, etc, will fill your ears for as long as you can stand it. I dare anyone in mixed company to try to bring up a debate about pornography at a party. A room will fall silent quickly, because it is the 1000 pound gorilla in the corner no one likes to talk about, if they even have it cross their mind at all. I'm not arguing against the right of people to have sex any way the want, I am simply arguing that there is a societal problem with the social issues that arise from an unbridled industry of porn that makes little attempt to demonstrate the fullness of the experience, rather than the mere superficial act and the contrived methods by which those acts are arrived at. I am surprised that you have picked up on the food issue, because I for one AM disgusted at many of the food shows on television, not because of tasty recipes, but now they seek to make a more extreme "dining" experience by showing us the absurd, the disgusting, the excessive, you name the oddity you can imagine, and it's there. Again, if that is something that people seek, then so be it, but it all goes back to this overall issue of self respect and respecting others. The notion of watching fat bald men gorging themselves on fried scorpions is just as repulsive as watching women forced to vomit upon the shaft of a mans cock, or two women feeding each other their own excrement. This is no longer tastes, or experiences, THERE ARE LIMITS to what behavior is acceptable and what is not. I know you are not arguing in favor of two girls and a cup, but there does need to be a loud voice reminding us we need to check ourselves and respect ourselves, and others for that matter, or we are in for a sad and scary world. When nothing is sacred any more, forget the religious aspect, but just the moral sense of it, then what is to stop us from doing worse things, things we have yet to exact upon one another that we right now know as simply wrong? The church unfortunately has been long in it's hypocrisy and it's selective interpretation of what to complain about, of this I agree, but we shouldn't dismiss the efforts of some to draw attention to a very real issue simply because they are not good at addressing other issues. It could be a circle of concerned old men of mothers knitting for all I care, the fact remains someone should remind us sometimes of what we have to gain, AND WHAT WE HAVE TO LOSE, as a world, if we let things go to far any where. I AM fully in agreement with you in your last sentence though, and this goes back to respect. To love one another as I said before is to respect one another. They should be heard, but not dictating to everyone, and frankly that is the truth of Judea-Christian history. The concepts and the ideas espoused are inclusive, but not demanded, only you can seek Gods grace and get it, no one is going to shove it down your throat and ensure the kingdom of God to you, that is a decision each one of us makes based upon whether we believe and how we behave. On a lighter note, I was actually shocked to see you respond so quickly, given the age of this topic on your site, and I'd like to thank you for actually paying attention to viewers and responding to something that is not just the latest passion of the blogger. You have real conviction it would appear in what you say and for that you can only be commended. |
Irina |
I don't think pornography isn'tbeing discussed. I hear psychologists talking about it, feminists arguing against it... Sure, normally its still a taboo topic for most people. Not for those in my circle, though, but I'm ... me))) I'm not even talking excess eating. Pornography isn't always about excess sexual activity, its often a substitute for the real thing when it isn't available, or 'spicing up' thing. I was mentioning food with regards to it being perceived as the source of pleasure. You don't have to be overeating, just being a gourmet suffices. I guess religious guys should never eat sauces and mayonnaises, because those are first and foremost meant for bodily pleasure, not satiation of hunger, right? Wheres the campaign 'ban the sweet-n-sour sauce!'? I'd also like to see religion condemning violence on TV. I would think peoples fascination with whats called 'torture porn' should rank way higher on a danger to society scale than the kinky stuff. But yeah, who doesn't know of church's hypocrisy. but we shouldn't dismiss the efforts of some to draw attention to a very real issue simply because they are not good at addressing other issues. It's fair to point out though that since they're using the 'authority' of the scriptures in their arguments, they shouldn't themselves undermine it by picking and choosing. Otherwise it's like 'don't do this because this book forbids it but ignore what it says here on the other page'. I don't even want to go into all the horrible perversions people have some of which are reflected in p*rn (gee, this word has been mentioned too many times now, Google might get mislead about the topic of this site haha). But p*rn is a broad term which can denote all sorts of stuff ranging from 'girl alone' scenes to quite tasteful man and woman intercourse to all sorts of sick actions that you've mentioned. To be trying to ban all one has to provide a good reason, 'because my book says so' not being one of them. I usually ignore the comments on youtube, but this is my own blog so I try to respond to 99% here. Appreciate your contribution. |
Do not women, and men, desire this sense of magic in their lives? I could not imagine a relationship not filled with the angst of worry that my efforts were not good enough and that I should strive to be more to this person in every way possible, to impress them, to leave them nervous and worried at the thought that they might be losing the best thing that has ever happened along in their life. I know I might not be, no one is perfect, but try at least, try to be better than anyone else has ever been to them. Pornography is not just the avenue of defiance of the rules of no sex before marriage, it has a deadening effect upon the soul and the mind when it is so prevalent. I have no problem with it per say, I have watched plenty, but I know that my upbringing makes me want to be a fantasy not unlike those who portray the roles, and not just some extra like the men who are there simply to be prop for the women. Men need to make women excited about them, and there is one way, and one way only, to make a woman feel excited about anyone, and that is respect. A woman must respect a man before she can feel anything else for him. He needs to respect himself and his surroundings, and those who surround him. Once you have garnered a woman\'s respect, you can do many things with her. Respect is everything in this world, without it, mankind has nothing, thus if Jesus said that above all the commandments we should keep of God, "love one another" is the most important, and love is nothing more than respect, I think the church is not wholly wrong in wanting to limit the influences of pornography upon the world, for if there is little of something in that industry, it is respect. For those who watch, those who participate, and those who are affected by those who watch and participate. The more the raunch and disdainful acts become, and the scenes portrayed, the less we respect, thus love, ourselves and others.
As I said before, there is a place for everyone on this planet, I don\'t have agree with everyone, and I don\'t have to play like I am perfect either, I am not, but do not berate churches for wanting to restore a little self respect and love in the world. Greed, gluttony, etc, these things are harder to expose simply because they are degrees of common acts that can be easily hidden. Sex is supposed to be beautiful and fulfilling, not like so much newspaper that you get everyday and then ends up in some waste basket somewhere. Respect each other, and the sex you do have will be greater than any other imaginable.