So... it's another war is it? Humanity...
Update 02.03.2014 Went to anti-war protest in Kiev today. Saw the left-overs of 'West-backed coup's weapons'
I keep hearing this protest has been paid for by the West and keep wondering where the money went. The center of Kiev looks like a disaster because people have been taking the brick layer of the road (the one that's still present on the above image) and using the stones as weapons. The self-made wooden shields, the stiks and Molotov coktails... there were hardly any guns present, why?? The West didn't give enough?
Then, i know all the Facebook groups that were used to coordinate efforts between people, where every day the list of needs were posted: wood, medicine, clothes, food etc. Then there was a group called 'get to Maidan' where people were posting announcements of their trips: "going from such region of Kiev in 20 minutes, have room for 2 more people". I saw the emty pharmacies the day following the mass shooting of protesters. Medicines were bought and delivered to Madian. People were queing in to give blood like never before.
So it's kind of strange of Russia to call people on the left image -financed by the West, armed by NATO, trained in terrorist camps fighters, and on the right - spontaneously formed by the locals self-defence of Crimea.
And in any case, even if there was some sort of support from the West, why leave aside Putin's backing of the now ousted regime? The one that stole everything they could leaving our treasury empty. Corruption was highest in Europe and make no mistake: corruption takes lives. Glorifying the greedy criminal conglomerate just because it was friends with Russia? Putin's Russia where people live in about the same poverty as Ukraine even though they have this national wealth - gas. Where is all the wealth going - to Russian people? Or to the selected few? And why would Ukrainians want to strengthen ties with Russia when their citizens don't even have the right to free speech? They have tried protesting against the war today and were arrested again. Yeah, we sure must be tempted to get closer to Putin's regime!
Saw a nice comment about the pretext which was given for the invasion (protecting Russians who live in Ukraine): "People who know about WW2 should say a very strong 'no' to the German Russian annexation of Sudetenland Crimea, and further territorial claims to Czechoslovakia Ukraine under the guise of protecting "persecuted ethnic Germans Russians".?"
The parallels are seen because of the speach Hitler gave: “Over ten million Germans live in two of the States adjoining our frontiers… It is unbearable for a world power to know there are racial comrades at its side who are constantly being afflicted with the severest suffering for their sympathy or unity with the whole nation, its destiny and its Weltanschauung [world view]. To the Interests of the German Reich belong the protection of those German peoples who are not in a position to secure along our frontiers their political and spiritual freedom by their own efforts.”
Adolf Hitler, February 20, 1938
(The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)
More thoughts. On the point that I heard being made that Russians who live in Ukraine actually welcome the occupation of Crimea and look forward to the prospect of Russian forces invading Ukraine.
There really were pro-closer-ties-with-Russia people here and a 'Putin is a cool ruler' sort of fan club. I know such people in my family. But being pro all that doesn't equate to being pro military invasion. It is insane to think that people would look forward to living in war zones just so maybe one day - if they survive - they can become citizens of the other state. Pro-Putin fun club is thinning at the moment because people didn't expect such aggression and endangerement of their lives coming from their idol. Because clearly, war doesn't choose its casualties and Russians in this country would die just like everybody else if the war were to start.
It would've been another story if Russians here were being persecuted and killed, then - yes, you could assume they'd welcome foreign troops in hopes of ending the violence that existed already. But there is none. Russians in Ukraine are actually safer than in Russia because we have no terrorists taking revenge on us for our imperialistic ambitions.
And lastly, about the language. I speak Russian - which is my native language - 99% of the time living in the capital of Ukraine. I can even use it in legal documents and they will be accepted. Crimea has virtually no Ukrainian language in use anywhere. Politicians like to stirr up passions on this topic in order to escape harder issues like poverty, cutting of the funding of education, healthcare etc, etc. They will talk about how there's not enough Russian schools and that will be appealing to some part of the population. But to assume people would like to risk their kids lives because of not having a chance to send them to a Russian-speaking school is also ludicrous.
Who would have thought an Eastern, predominantly Russian-speaking industrial city, Dnipropetrovsk, would show up in their thousands on a demonstration and sing Ukrainian national anthem like this. External enemy unites, this is a well-known fact.
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I feel for you sharing your heartfelt concerns.But i hope you know that you are not under any pressure to say anything that might put you at risk.And it goes without saying,take care.
![]() Irina |
Thanks. You know something is seriously wrong where you live when you start seeing politicians in your dreams. That's f*ed up. My friend also said she's having such dreams and we both never did before. I imagine what people are dreaming about when the full-scale war s going on. No peace either in waking hours or in your sleep. |
Beautiful both you and Ukraine. Saw your latest video on youtube about the war between the so called superpowers and hope the people don't fall for the lies on either sides. There will be peace soon in a few years when the sociopaths who run the governments won't be able to print money. Hope people learn about Bitcoin in the Ukraine.
Hi Irina,
I hope this resolves itself more peacefully, at least for most Ukrainians since it can never be that way for those who have already been lost, than either of us were anticipating a couple days ago. You're one of my favourite philosophers, and I'm demanding on that score. I am not a conformist by any means, nor do I rebel just to rebel. Yet I found your reasoning sound and where you placed the bulk of your compassion appropriate. Your intelligence, empathy, and above all simple honesty shine through. So I've shared your videos on several occasions, although I couldn't say who all has read them. While life may have much bad in it, you are one of the better ones. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Wishing you the best, Christoph |
![]() Irina |
Thank you, Christoph, for the very flattering words, I appreciate the suport)) Not very optimistic about the future though. |
Hi Irina, have been a bit absent here, just wanted to say that I've been thinking a lot about you with your country being in the news for mostly all the wrong reasons.
Well said about the politicians/sociopaths. In their delusional world, how can you group people based on language, religion or any other parameter other than we are human and share the same space. Respect the differences and see if you can learn something from it instead of profiteering and push your own agenda. As in your situation, just look at China and Japan having some tension building up about issues surrounding WW2. Now lets have a war and make another generation of people hate each other, rinse and repeat. From last comment not feeling optimistic, I often wish a giant meteorite would just hit us and kill all human life since we are not deserving to be here. But on the other hand there are many people like you and perhaps me that can see things clearly for what it is. If only we could rule the world........in nice way. Be safe. |
![]() Irina |
I often wish a giant meteorite would just hit us and kill all human life that'd be perfect. :) we will all die anyway, meteorite death seems much more humaine and even poetic |
Spend less time on make ups and photo shoots, and you'll understand there is no Ukraine, never have been. There is no one country. We celebrate Victory day, not Bandera's birthday!
Actually, don't, do spend it on photo shoots, there is more good coming out of it... and that's a compliment! |
![]() Irina |
Your comment is void of arguments, only Russian propaganda nonsense trails. I have no interest in talking to you. |
![]() Fight against yanukovich, fight against corruption, what Russians have done to you other than supported Ukrainian economy with discounts and donations??? Russia is (was) quarter of Ukrainian import/export!! |
![]() Irina |
'there is no Ukraine' or 'Ukraine is a failed state' is precisely Russian propaganda. Repeated by average Russians: 'there is no Ukrainian language, just a Russian dialect'. Yes, we had ties but too often they were forced upon Ukainians. What about when Russian tzars were prohibiting the use of Ukrainian, printing of books and periodics in it? Where are the Ukrainian language schools in Russia today? Where are Ukrainian channels in Russia? Millions of Ukrainians live there. Besides, TV ban came only after the events in Crimea, and only because your channels spew anti-Ukrainian propaganda. Nobody is obliged to air agressor's TV. I live in Kiev and I hardly ever have to use Ukrainan. The majority of printed press in Ukraine is Russian. So stop with the language nonsense, this question has been blown out of proportion on every elections and now when they need to divide and conquer. Russians supported? Screw that 'support' with all the gas wars, products ban whenever Russia doesn't like our political desicions. Ban Ukrainian cheese, Moldovan and Georgian wines - this is what Russia does regularly to force its neighbours to do what they want. Just a big bully is all. Now they cut off pieces of land. Georgian, nw Ukrainian. Choke on it, 'brothers'! |
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I hope it is settled peacefully, but I fully understand why Putin took back Crimea for Russia.
![]() Irina |
Because he wants to compete with USA in violating international law? Because Russia is a small and vulnerable little country in need of more lands for its security? Do you also fully understand why Putin tore Ossetia and Abkhazia from Georgia? Or why his special units are terrorising Eastern regions of Ukraine at the moment? |
So much hatred in your words... and you talk about humanity??? Wow, you look very, VERY brainwashed. The best approach with ppl like you is to address one 'argument' at a time.
I am a Russian, lived in Ukraine and was forced, that's right, forced to learn Ukrainian language. It was in city of Donetks, very pro Russian now, and very pro Russian 20 years ago. Yet I had to do it, pass exams etc. We studied language and literature, two separate subjects for six years!! Can my child do it now in free and democratic Ukraine??? NO! Blown out of proportion you say?? It is not - the idea is that my children study in Ukrainian from grade 1 of school and forget their own native tongue. That's why the very first law was passed - to ban Russian language! The blood of slaughtered people hasn't dried on the streets, the country in in economic chaos, yet what you do? Ban the language! |
![]() Irina |
Hatred? What do you expect towards those who came with rifles and took a piece of our territory? Who in their majority support the war with my country! Despise, disrespect and not wanting anything to do with Russians is what I feel. And I'm damn entitled to it. When somebody barges into your house you're sort of justified in strongly disliking them. I am a Russian, lived in Ukraine and was forced, that's right, forced to learn Ukrainian language Brilliant. Now change the word 'Ukraine' and 'Ukrainian' for any other country and see how ridiculous your statement sounds. Outrageous! How dare anyone expect you to know the laguage of the country you're in! Everybody should learn Russian, including Ukrainians in Russia, but Russians in Ukraine don't have to, right? Supremacy much? Again, tell me how many Ukrainian schools exist in Russia. Your demands are only one-sided. Everyone should accomodate Russians but Russians don't owe anything to anybody. Your children forget native language in a region where Ukrainian is hardly ever used? Well, that's a damn shame then. I heard some people manage to even speak several languages. That's why the very first law was passed - to ban Russian language! Do you know the meaning of the word 'ban'? It means prohibit. First of all, nothing was passed. The law that was passed in 2012 got cancelled by the parliament. But then the decision wasn't even signed by the acting president so the law is still in effect. Yet you talk about some ban of Russian language. For the record, I was slamming the decision to touch the issue of language back then, it was a really stupid thing to do, and as some people were sarcastically pointing out 'maybe they should cancel the law on not smoking in restaurants, seems freaking important'. |
Regarding "hisspecial units are terrorising Eastern regions of Ukraine"
I did tell you about brainwashing, right? My own friends who lived in Donetsk for 30-40 years are now on barricades day and night. They are from Ukraine, they are not paid for this, they go to work during the day, and attend barricades at night, and vice versa. That's why raising in East took so long - people there actually have to go work unless on Maydan where they were paid!! do you have any proof that Donetsk ppl aren't actually pro-Russian? do you have any proof that there is at least one Russian soldier?? |
![]() Irina |
That's why raising in East took so long - people there actually have to go work unless on Maydan where they were paid!! Oh yes? And your evidence of 'paid' is where? On Russian TV? They work do they? There are 2 days off every week, why don't you show me anything close to what took place on Maidan on weekends. It gathered close to a million people at some point. During the week there were much less people but every weekend an event called 'Narodne Viche' would gather tens of thousands consistently for 3 month. What we see in the East is no comparison. Even Donesk miners didn't support the protest. There are 100 thousands of miners in the region. Where are they? Did they come at least on weekend, at least for 1 hour after work? No. Maybe they're paid not to go by the West?! I don't think so. do you have any proof that Donetsk ppl aren't actually pro-Russian? do you have any proof that there is at least one Russian soldier?? First of all, of course the East is more pro-Russian than any other part of Ukraine. Lots of Russians moved there in Soviet times and they all watch Russian TV so no wonder. But still, pro-Russian doesnt mean 'wanting to be part of Russia'. A recent poll conducted in March by the Donetsk-based Institute of Social Research and Policy Analysis shows that even in the East more than 65% want to stay within Ukraine. Look, you'll be telling me about brainwashing?? Ha! Your Kremlin-controlled media is a joke, it's intended to work on people who have intellect of a potato. This is just one example http://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2014/04/12/russian-tv-caught-red-handed-same-guy-same-demonstration-but-three-different-people-spy-bystander-heroic-surgeon/ |