I'd like to write of something unrelated to the events in my country but this nightmae has completely occupied my mind. (Btw, the photo is me on the tank in the museum of WW2 in Kiev.)
It's realy hard to concentrate on anything else when according to analytics your country is on a brink of war and you realize what war is. It's not just battles of professionals in some remote areas, it's something that affects everybody at the very least psychologically and economically and quite possibly phisically, too.
Today already people stop buying goods and services that are not necessities. My selling web ad spaces or website building does not qualify as such and I'm not looking forward to flipping burgers instead. May have to say good-bye to my renting a nice apartment 3km from the city center.
Then of course, even that can become least of my problems.
War is destruction, atrocities and maiming, and not like Ukrainian medical facilities are ready for the flood of injured. Last time I've been to one of our public hospitals I had to come back with my own syringe (not to mention medicine). And I'm just horrified by the prospect of seeing much more misery in the streets, on the news and I'm trying not to think about the possibility of something hitting my family, friends and myself directly. But I can't quite escape that imaginary bleak scenario of being caught in some misery and not being able to quickly check out of it.
You can't say that civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. ~ Will Rogers, New York Times, Dec. 23, 1929
The only thing that I am thankful for at the moment is that I don't have children. And perhaps that I never took a mortgage in this country, I rented instead. Because who in their right mind would want to tie themselves for 15-30 years to a place where they are not protected by any laws because the courts are corrupt. People in developed western countries might not quite understand how it feels to realize you're living in the wilderness: that you might get abused tomorrow and nobody will be punished and there won't be any compensation. And that was peaceful time, now we're being dragged into an outright war.
I find war detestable but those who praise it without participating in it even more so. ~ Romain Rolland, "Journal De Genève," Inter Arma Caritas
As I'm reading comments on the internet I notice a lot of people picking a side of an aggressor as though they're simply cheering for the team. They choose 'team Russia' because they'd like to see United States's ass kicked. The only thing neglected in this picture is of course Ukraine - which will be the tool in this fight and the utmost loser, peple who live here will. This land has suffered a lot before, when in 30ies the artificial hunger took from 6 to 9 million in just 2 years. Then the war with Nazi Germany caused the deaths of more than 6.5 million. And that was roughly 70 years ago.
Now we're being attacked by Russia. Which might seem better to some with regards to its foreign policy in comparance to USA but it's far from being an example of either pacifism or human rights and concern for average citizen's well-being. Peaceful protesters there are routinely detained in their hundreds, this picture is from the latest anti-war demonstration. 'Dangerous' old lady is being taken care off by the police man. This is a place where Stalin 'takes the bronze' in national heroes competition. Because he built an empire on bones and blood of his own people and this is what's still regarded as a way to go.
This is the Russia I never want to be a part of.
As of today it looks like Crimea has been lost and fighting for it militarily may endanger the rest of Ukraine as there are already Russian troops in Transnistria. Putin's plan is thought to include if not the whole Ukraine then at least the South-Eastern part of it, but the more the better.
It's really sad what's happening because Ukraine has been fighting for independence its whole history and while we have been celebrating it since the break of the Soviet Union it clearly was just a nominal, not true independence. Orange Revolution was a disadter that only changed faces in power but not the system. The last one was just going to happen when Russia comes over to drag us back to its rule. In a way, it seems also beneficial to those opposition leaders who quickly jumped on the opportunity to seize posts for themselves while people can no longer critisize them and demand accountability as the country is under attack. Before that the pressure mounting on the new government was unprecedented. Even I, who was skeptical of the real change through this revolt, started to believe maybe someting will come of it after all when every day the myriad of anti-new-government posts was mounting: 'do this, why don't you do that, who did you appoint here, why aren't people fired there'. (On the photo - the guy with a scythe which reads "government, i came for you" - and that was after the ousting of Yanukovich, saw him near the parliament myself) It seemed we did learn our lesson from Orange Revolution when after the oppositon leaders came to power everyone started minding their own business.
Oh well... There are too many too powerful people whose interests do not include any real changes.
I've been thinking about war as a pheomenon. In short, it's what our whole history has mostly been about. And no wonder evolutionary psychologists and self-reflective people recognize that while on a concious level we detest such monstrosity, something within us is also drawn to it. Illustrative is the quote:
I think a curse should rest on me — because I love this war. I know it's smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment — and yet — I can't help it — I enjoy every second of it. ~ Winston Churchill, letter to a friend, 1916
In fact, I've decided to simply link you to an article that looks into this paradoxical drive to such monstrosity as war and more. Again, I don't feel concentrated enough to do justice to the issue. So here it is: Who in their right mind wants war?
He had been bored, that's all, bored like most people. Hence he had made himself out of whole cloth a life full of complications and drama. Something must happen - and that explains most human commitments. Something must happen, even loveless slavery, even war or death. Hurray then for funerals! ~ Albert Camus, The Fall
I'll just say I remember somebody telling me that although it's good we live in peace and all but those days in the past when people fought for something sure seem romantic and filled with certain hights, passions, purpose. In contrast with the mundaine 9 to 5 existence of an average modern citizen. In wars and revolutions everybody is a small hero, a part of a greater force for good, ironically, all sides of the conflict are sure they are the ones in the right and not the enemy. Propaganda. It worked before when people had no internet (an no access to alternative sources of information). It works today because they have no motivation to cross-check the stories they're shown. I even suspect many only watch news (or what's being presented as such) just because they're often following their favorite entertainment shows.
What else can I say? History will repeat itself. People will turn the page ans start all over again. They will add new monsters and new heroes to history books.
I've heard somewhere that in the history of human civilization, there have been just about 25 years of peace around the globe. At all other times there was an armed conflict of some sort somewhere.
More posts from this category: Long live Stalin or modern propaganda for brainlessAmnesty International backs worldwide decriminalisation of prostitution
![]() Irina |
The Churchill quote gave me goosebumps. You can only say WTF to that one! I was a bit shocked by it too, at first. But then when you give it some extra thought... and learn about Christopher Hedges's book 'War Is A Force That Gives Us Meaning' - which I haven't read yet but seen quotes from it - you might want to research this topic deeper. "seems to be money for new military equipment and R&D, but never enough for homeless, hospitals"
Sending a hug for a positive energy boost. Thanks!)) |
Thanks for keeping us updated. Be safe and well.
![]() Irina |
Thanks, Aaron)) At least the weather is nice here. Spring. |
I can see how people in power could like viewing war from their abstract, game-like way. It would be similar to playing a strategy game. Churchill might have said that because he was the one controlling what happened. Or maybe he was a bit socio/psychopathic.
I don't know if you would find this unethical, but if you seems to be losing income, you could set up a paypal donation account. It may help a bit. Good luck. |
![]() Irina |
Paypal donations aren't possible for my country. Neither is Skrill allowing transfers to Ukraine. Lucky, huh? So it's only the bothersome SWIFT and Visa Money Transfer that's left. Hope it won't be needed anyway, thanks for suggestion :) Call-up papers came today for my landlord. (( |
psycho loves you
so, you read these, but, .... where the f*#@ is everyone?... I will sooo 007 the shit outta you ..
ive commented on two videos you made, I am too impressed, tho im no real study of any kind. I will find you,... if you ask... silly maybe, but yes.. : ) -sorry, no fancy dining or cars.. well.. not bringing any with me anyway.. ![]() copernicus demitrius 14/3/14Just world delusion. Frankl's manufacturing of meaning. Suffering Re: re: My Divorce From Antinatalism [ Anekantav .... call me : ) .. no , really , if shits ugly ... call me : ) |
![]() Irina |
um...do I know you? ))) |
impotent fool
(>_ , (~_~
![]() ... on an unrelated note. ive been here each day for 6 days, this is the first time ive seen your response, even tho its dated - 14-03-2014. I imagine , this is big stuff, and think, if you have so many fans, you might think about posting a quick summary of what you see is going on around you. my impression was that the ppl were taking back the government, I was very excited. this was my shame that I do nothing of the sort, the road to real change. another comment I posted I don't see here anymore, I'd said following my first comment on the same day (14-03-2014) - our mainstream news had no report that Russia was invading to take/keep control. and I thought that was incredible and terrible. .... so, I don't know you, I don't know who you know, how your doing or anything.. ('_') Q _Q ... its obvious I wouldn't mind knowing you : ) , and hope the very best for the ppl, and of course for you. id be happy to join their ranks if it meant making a change. ![]() |
![]() Irina |
True, but I don't know that we can generalize this. Some people, mostly uconciously I'd think, long for wars while others are perfectly satisfied with 'normal' life and want peace at any cost. Like today in Ukraine: some say they're going to fight for their country, others are just going to sit home and wait while others fight and then simply carry on living in whatever country they'll wake up in. Not surprisingly perhaps, war-loving is prevalent among men. |
![]() Irina |
yep. because in war every loser can feel himself a hero. he straps on a gun and suddenly out of nobody he is turned into somebody who has power over the lives and deaths of people... |
![]() Power, but of course … and sex-appeal. I guess the full list of temptations (inside some people’s head) is sth like: Get some wild entertainment & adventure! Travel, see the world, meet new friends! Secure a �job’, respectable and patriotic! Become powerful, heroic and sexy, find a partner (or change it), breed, form a family and die (or get crippled) in a blaze of GLORYYY! C’mon, give purpose and meaning to your life! (Uff, too many temptations for the average weak awareness… I hope the leaders come to their senses asap) No response needed. |
I doubt it's any consolation, but as I've been reading the news, following the Russia/Ukraine situation, I've had you in mind and have been hoping everything is fine for you in Kiev.
![]() Irina |
It feels nice to know you're in somebody's thoughts :) |
Since we had conscription, I was dreading the day when I had to go to army when I turned 18. I have never been able to buy into war bandwagon thing. Then again it was fight or sit in military prison, your choice. So I was very happy to go and study and then they cancelled mandatory army
The Churchill quote gave me goosebumps. You can only say WTF to that one!
No matter how much I try to analyse this, there always seems to be money for new military equipment and R&D, but never enough for homeless, hospitals and more worthy causes. Search youtube for sofex video were generals do their countries grocery shopping. Totally crazy.
So guess there is truth in the only 25 year peace statement.
Sending a hug for a positive energy boost. Don't forget the calmness for a clear mind.